
Monday, October 25, 2010

Servant Leader

I hear the term servant leader thrown out there quite often in my readings. I try to look at how I serve others around me. I will bathe my kids or wash the dishes to help with some of the chores around the house, but those things are somewhat expected if you ask me. At my job I help students with small problems or try to be flexible to help out other teachers, but I tend to view that as more just doing my job. I really struggle sometimes to see where I am truly serving in my house, let alone outside of it. What I mean by serving is sacrificing something good for myself so that I can serve someone else in need. Not when it is convenient, but rather when it is the exact opposite. Do I ever really serve my children by stopping what I am doing and doing something with them ignoring any possible distractions? Am I serving my wife in a way that she feels loved more today than in the past? Am I helping others around me feel appreciated or experience success, even if it means I do it all behind the scene? These are just some questions that came to mind today as I was reading this morning. Do you have any examples of how you serve your spouse, children, or others even when it isn't/wasn't easy for you or it didn't benefit you (I know that serving benefits you, but I mean without recognition or reward)? Please share an example or two if you have the time. Thanks! Have a blessed day!


  1. Great thoughts and examples. I think the concept of "servant leadership" has less to do with "action" (the outer) and more to do with "attitude" (the inner). I'm not a servant leader *just* because I do something for you, even if I'm sacrificing something for myself, because that could be done for any number of reasons (including selfish and manipulative reasons). But I'm a servant leader if I desire to be "least among all" (as Jesus taught) and live this out.

  2. Great point, Jeremy! I am glad you posted that. I didn't think of it from that point of view.

  3. I think you do a fantastic job rubbing my back through an entire 9 months of pregnancy. Times that by 4 kids, and that's a lot of serving!

  4. Thank you, Sarah! I try. I hope that that is not the only way I serve you (though I don't think it is).
