
Monday, January 17, 2011

Three Books Down!

As many of you may have read, I am trying to read a book per week this year. Well, I just finished my third book yesterday. That means I have three read in 17 days! It doesn't happen very often that I am ahead of schedule. I am really liking this feeling though.

The book I just finished is a great read. The book is titled, "Love & Respect" by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs (you can look in the book ferriswheel to the right for the title or click on the link). It is a great book on marriage. Okay men, don't blow me off to quickly for recommending a book telling us men how to love our wives more. This is not that type of book. He does a great job explaining to us how to love our wives more effectively, but he also talks to wives about how to better respect their husbands. I truly enjoyed the book. He does a great job of laying out practical ways to improve your marriage even if your spouse doesn't reciprocate your efforts right away. I highly recommend this book to anyone that has a bad marriage looking to make it better or even a good marriage looking to make it great. Let me know (if you read the book or have read it) what your thoughts are. God bless!


  1. Great job, Nathan! What were the other two?

  2. Thanks Aaron! I read "Money: God or Gift" my Jamie Munson and "Aspire" by Kevin Hall. Both were great books also. I made a page on my blog (under the banner) just to record the books I am reading. Thanks again for the comment.
