
Monday, April 11, 2011

Have Faith In Them!

I want to share a snippet from John C. Maxwell's book, Relationships 101. While I was reading last night, I found this as something I should know and do, but something that I really need to focus and work on more. Maxwell wrote:
"Always remember that your goal is not to get people to think more highly of you. It's to get them to think more highly of themselves. Have faith in them, and they will begin to do exactly that."
Often I try to figure out how I can get people to think more highly of me. Most of the time my ideas do not work either. Keeping in mind that the best way for people to think better about me, I need to help them think more highly of themselves. I have to believe they are better than they think they are. I have to encourage them and share my belief in them with them. So I encourage you today to go out and be an up-lifter! Encourage someone into becoming a better them! God bless!

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